Domain supports latin letters and international symbols (cyrillic).

Minimum number of symbols is 1, maximum number is 63.

For more information, please refer to the  .VN UA Domain Policy.

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Other domains

The .VN.UA domain zone is a great choice for website owners who want to establish a strong online presence in Vietnam. This domain zone offers a wide range of benefits that make it a popular choice among businesses and individuals alike. Created in 1992 by Hostmaster Ltd., the .VN.UA zone is managed by the same organization, which ensures reliable and efficient management of domain registrations.

Some of the benefits of using the .VN.UA domain zone include:

  • Establishes a strong online presence in Vietnam
  • Targets specific Vietnamese audiences
  • Gives websites a professional and trustworthy image
  • Helps with SEO by improving local search rankings
  • Provides a unique and memorable domain name

There are many ways to use domains in the .VN.UA zone, including:

  • Creating a website for a business targeting Vietnamese customers
  • Setting up an e-commerce store for Vietnamese consumers
  • Starting a blog focused on Vietnamese culture, food, or travel
  • Creating a portfolio website showcasing work for Vietnamese clients
  • Establishing a community forum for Vietnamese residents

When registering a domain in the .VN.UA zone, it's important to follow the guidelines and requirements set by the registry. Additionally, owners should be aware of the whois server, which is located at It's important to note that email addresses should not be included in the domain registration information.