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Domain .university supports latin letters and does not support international symbols (cyrillic).

Minimum number of symbols is 1, maximum number is 63.

For more information, please refer to the  .UNIVERSITY Domain Policy.

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Are you in charge of a university website and looking for a domain name that accurately represents your institution? Consider using a .UNIVERSITY domain name to set yourself apart.

Created in 2014, the .UNIVERSITY domain zone is managed by Binky Moon, LLC through their subsidiary Donuts Inc. This domain zone is perfect for universities who want to create a unique and easily identifiable online presence.

There are numerous benefits to using a .UNIVERSITY domain name for your website, such as:

  • Instantly show your affiliation with an esteemed educational institution
  • Create a unique and memorable domain name that is easy to remember
  • Stand out from other websites using more common domain extensions such as .com or .org
  • Improve your website's search engine optimization (SEO) by having a relevant domain extension
  • Connect with students, faculty, and alumni through a domain name that reflects your university's values and mission

Here are some ways that a .UNIVERSITY domain name can be used:

  • A university's main website (e.g.
  • Department or organization websites (e.g.
  • Student organization websites (e.g.
  • Alumni association websites (e.g.
  • Faculty or staff profile pages (e.g.

It's easy to register a .UNIVERSITY domain name. Simply visit the website of your preferred domain registrar and search for the domain name you want. The prices for .UNIVERSITY domain names vary depending on the registrar, but they are generally affordable.

Overall, using a .UNIVERSITY domain name for your website can have many benefits. With a unique and relevant domain extension, your university will have a strong online presence that accurately represents your institution's values and mission.