Domain .wiki supports latin letters and does not support international symbols (cyrillic).

Minimum number of symbols is 3, maximum number is 63.

For more information, please refer to the  .WIKI Domain Policy.

Check domain in the .wiki extension


Buy Your .wiki Domain

The cost of a .wiki domain varies based on your account plan and the number of cashback coins available for additional discounts. Join our referral program to boost your cashback. Additionally, transfer your domain to us and receive 5% cashback for any successful incoming transfer.

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The .WIKI domain name zone is an ideal choice for anyone looking to create an online encyclopedia, wiki, or knowledge base. Unlike traditional top-level domains that often have limitations when it comes to content creation and curation, the .WIKI domain zone allows for easy collaboration and sharing of information. Whether you're creating a wiki for a personal passion project, a group, or a business, a .WIKI domain can be an excellent decision.

Benefits of the .WIKI Domain Zone

There are several reasons why opting for a .WIKI domain is a good choice:

  • Instant recognition: The .WIKI domain clearly identifies the content on the website as a wiki, making it easier for users to identify and understand the purpose of the website.
  • Collaboration: .WIKI domains allow for easy collaboration and sharing of information, making it an excellent choice for wikis or knowledge bases that require input from multiple contributors.
  • Ease of use: .WIKI domains are easy to remember, easy to type, and easy to use for creating and curating content.
  • Search engine optimization: Search engines often show relevancy to domain names. A .WIKI domain can be a good choice for SEO, especially if the content is linked to or from other related wiki pages.
  • Brand identity: Establishing an online presence with a .WIKI domain can help to build brand identity, especially for organizations that want to create a hub of knowledge for customers or fans.

Ways to Use a .WIKI Domain

The .WIKI domain zone can be used for a variety of different purposes:

  • Personal wikis: Create a personal wiki for a particular hobby, interest, or project. Share information with others or create a reference hub for yourself.
  • Group wikis: Collaborate with others in a shared workspace to build out a knowledge base or resource center.
  • Corporate wikis: Create an internal wiki for employees, or a public-facing wiki to share company or industry knowledge with customers and clients.
  • Educational wikis: Build a learning platform for students, teachers, or researchers to share and access information.
  • Community wikis: Create a wiki for a particular community or organization to share information and resources.

About the .WIKI Domain Zone

The .WIKI domain zone was created in February 2014 and is managed by Top Level Design, LLC. The administrative contact for the .WIKI domain zone is Raymond King. The technical contact for the .WIKI domain zone is IANA Contact under GoDaddy Registry. The .WIKI domain zone is an active top-level domain with a public registration information website at