Domain supports latin letters and international symbols (cyrillic).

Minimum number of symbols is 1, maximum number is 63.

For more information, please refer to the  .VINNICA UA Domain Policy.

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Other domains

The .VINNICA.UA domain zone is a great choice for creating a website that is focused on the Vinnitsa region of Ukraine. This domain zone is managed by Hostmaster Ltd. and was created in 2005.

Benefits of the .VINNICA.UA Domain Zone

  • Establish a strong online presence for businesses and organizations that are based in or have a connection to the Vinnitsa region of Ukraine.
  • Create a website that is easily recognizable and memorable to people who live in or frequent the Vinnitsa area.
  • Stand out from other websites that use more generic domain zones like .com or .org.
  • Showcase local culture and history through a website that is specific to the Vinnitsa region.
  • Build trust with local customers who are more likely to do business with a website that has a local domain name.

Ways to Use .VINNICA.UA Domains

  • Create a website for local businesses like restaurants, cafes, shops, and service providers.
  • Establish an online presence for local organizations like schools, community centers, and non-profits.
  • Host a blog that covers news and events in the Vinnitsa region.
  • Create a directory of local resources like parks, museums, and historical sites.
  • Develop a website that promotes tourism in the Vinnitsa region.

The whois server for .VINNICA.UA is, which provides information about the domain's registration and administration. If you're looking for a domain zone that is specific to the Vinnitsa region of Ukraine, .VINNICA.UA is an excellent choice.