Domain .pizza supports latin letters and does not support international symbols (cyrillic).

Minimum number of symbols is 3, maximum number is 63.

For more information, please refer to the  .PIZZA Domain Policy.

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Other domains

If you are looking for a domain name that stands out and makes an impression, the .PIZZA domain zone may be the perfect choice for you. This domain is perfect for businesses and individuals who are looking to create a memorable online presence related to pizza.

The .PIZZA domain zone is managed by Binky Moon, LLC, a company that helps to manage some of the world's most popular top-level domains. The administrative and technical contacts for this domain are both located within Donuts Inc., which offers a wide range of domain registration services.

When you choose a .PIZZA domain name, you'll enjoy many benefits, including:

  • Helping your website stand out from the crowd by creating a unique and memorable domain name
  • Targeting a specific audience, like foodies or pizza lovers, with your website's name and content
  • Improving your website's SEO performance by using relevant keywords in your domain name
  • Establishing your business as an authority figure in the pizza industry
  • Creating a sense of fun and playfulness that can help to attract new customers to your website or business

If you're wondering how you can use a .PIZZA domain name, here are five ideas:

  • Create a website for your pizzeria or restaurant, complete with online ordering functionality and menu listings
  • Share pizza recipes and cooking tips on a food blog
  • Offer pizza delivery services in your local area through a website or app
  • Set up a pizza review site that ranks different pizzerias based on taste, service, and other criteria
  • Create a social network for pizza lovers to share photos, recipes, and pizza-related news

The .PIZZA domain zone was created on August 22, 2014, making it a relatively new domain extension. However, it has already gained popularity among pizza lovers, food bloggers, and pizzerias around the world, making it an excellent choice for anyone looking to establish themselves in the pizza industry.

Overall, the .PIZZA domain name is a unique, memorable, and effective way to establish your online presence related to pizza. Whether you're a business owner, blogger, or just a fan of pizza, this domain zone is the perfect way to stand out and make your mark online.