Domain supports latin letters and international symbols (cyrillic).

Minimum number of symbols is 1, maximum number is 63.

For more information, please refer to the  .POLTAVA UA Domain Policy.

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Other domains

The .POLTAVA.UA domain name zone is a great choice for anyone looking to create a website with a strong regional focus. This domain is specially designed for websites based in Poltava, Ukraine, providing a unique online identity that can help businesses and organizations stand out from their competitors. With the .POLTAVA.UA domain zone, you can create a website that truly reflects your local community and its interests, making it easier for people to find and connect with you online.

There are many benefits to using the .POLTAVA.UA domain zone for your website, such as:

  • Instant identification: By using the .POLTAVA.UA domain, you instantly identify your website as being based in Poltava, which can help users find you more easily online.
  • Improved SEO: Because the .POLTAVA.UA domain is highly localized, it can boost your search engine rankings for relevant searches in the region, helping you attract local traffic to your website.
  • Enhanced branding: Using a domain with a regional focus helps establish your brand as an integral part of the community, which can help create a deeper connection with your target audience.
  • Greater credibility: Having a website with a localized domain can lend your brand greater credibility as a trusted part of the community, making it easier to earn trust with your target audience.
  • Flexibility: The .POLTAVA.UA domain can be used for a wide range of applications, including corporate websites, personal blogs, e-commerce sites, and more.

If you're considering using the .POLTAVA.UA domain zone for your website, there are many ways to take advantage of this unique opportunity. Here are just a few ideas:

  • Create a business website that highlights your local services, products, and expertise.
  • Create a blog that focuses on local news, events, and interests.
  • Create an e-commerce site that caters to local customers, offering items and services that are unavailable elsewhere.
  • Create a community forum where locals can connect, share information, and discuss local issues.
  • Create a charity website that supports local causes and initiatives.

The .POLTAVA.UA domain zone was created in 2009 and is currently managed by the Hostmaster Ltd. organization. The administrative contact for the domain is Dmitry Kohmanyuk, and the technical contact is Igor Sviridov. For more information about the .POLTAVA.UA domain zone and how to register a domain, visit