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Domain .deals supports latin letters and does not support international symbols (cyrillic).

Minimum number of symbols is 3, maximum number is 63.

For more information, please refer to the  .DEALS Domain Policy.

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The cost of a .deals domain varies based on your account plan and the number of cashback coins available for additional discounts. Join our referral program to boost your cashback. Additionally, you can transfer your domain to us to receive the best prices on the market.

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Other domains

The .DEALS domain name zone is a great choice for businesses and website owners who want to convey that they offer deals, discounts, or bargains. The zone was created in 2014 and is managed by Binky Moon, LLC, a company that specializes in managing new top-level domains.

Using a .DEALS domain name can help your website stand out and attract visitors who are looking for the best deals. Here are five ways you can use a domain name in the .DEALS zone:

  • Create a website that aggregates the best deals and discounts from different online retailers.
  • Use a .DEALS domain name for a promotional campaign or special offer.
  • Use a .DEALS domain name to create a unique URL for a specific product or service that is currently being offered at a discount.
  • Create a coupon or discount code website that uses a .DEALS domain name.
  • Create a blog that focuses on sharing tips and tricks for finding the best deals and discounts.

Using a .DEALS domain name can help increase your website's visibility and attract visitors who are looking for deals. The domain name itself is memorable and easy to remember, which can make it easier for people to find your website. Additionally, a .DEALS domain name can help build trust with potential customers by clearly communicating that your website offers deals and discounts.

The whois server for the .DEALS domain zone is However, it is important to note that email addresses should not be included in website copy. If you are interested in registering a .DEALS domain name, you can visit the registration information page on the Donuts website.