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Domain .ong supports latin letters and does not support international symbols (cyrillic).

Minimum number of symbols is 3, maximum number is 63.

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The .ONG domain zone is a top-level domain (TLD) used to signify non-governmental organizations (NGOs). It was created in 2014, and it is managed by Public Interest Registry (PIR) in Reston, Virginia, USA. The technical support for this domain zone is provided by Donuts Inc., a company that helps to manage several top-level domains. The whois server for .ONG is

The .ONG domain zone is an excellent choice for NGOs, as it helps them to differentiate themselves from other organizations. NGOs can use this domain zone to build their online presence and increase visibility for their cause. Here are five ways NGOs can use the .ONG domain zone:

  • Create a website for your NGO.
  • Use it for fundraising campaigns.
  • Host content related to your NGO's mission.
  • Create a blog to share your organization's story.
  • Use it for email communications with your stakeholders.

NGOs can benefit from using the .ONG domain zone in several ways. It provides credibility to their organization, as it helps distinguish them from other organizations. It is also a great way for NGOs to convey their message and create an identity for their brand. The .ONG domain zone can also help NGOs build trust with their supporters and donors, as it shows their commitment to their cause.

In summary, the .ONG domain zone is a great choice for NGOs looking to build their online presence and increase visibility for their cause. It provides many benefits and can help NGOs build credibility and trust with their supporters and donors. With .ONG, NGOs can differentiate themselves from other organizations and create a unique online identity.