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Domain .news supports latin letters and does not support international symbols (cyrillic).

Minimum number of symbols is 1, maximum number is 63.

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If you're looking for a domain extension that instantly conveys the nature of your website's content, .NEWS is the perfect fit. .NEWS is a relatively new top-level domain (TLD) that was created in 2015. Dog Beach LLC is the managing organization of the .NEWS zone, and Donuts Inc. serves as both the administrative and technical contact.

With a .NEWS domain, you can establish yourself as a credible source of news in your industry and attract an interested audience. Additionally, the .NEWS zone is ideal for:

  • Journalists, reporters, and news organizations looking to expand their digital presence
  • Bloggers who focus on current events and news in specific fields such as sports, entertainment or politics
  • Businesses looking for a domain extension to showcase their press releases, upcoming events, and other newsworthy updates
  • Non-profit organizations to share their latest news and updates to the community
  • Developers creating news or journalism-based applications.

Furthermore, .NEWS domain extensions are easily recognizable and can help to build trust with your audience. It is a unique way to stand out from the competition and showcase your expertise in the field. Lastly, a .NEWS domain can lead to higher visibility in search engine results.