Domain .gg supports latin letters and does not support international symbols (cyrillic).

Minimum number of symbols is 3, maximum number is 63.

Check domain in the .gg extension


Buy Your .gg Domain

The cost of a .gg domain varies based on your account plan and the number of cashback coins available for additional discounts. Join our referral program to boost your cashback. Additionally, transfer your domain to us and receive 5% cashback for any successful incoming transfer.

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Other domains

If you're looking for a domain name that's short, memorable, and unique, then .GG might be the perfect choice for you. The .GG domain zone was created in 1996 and is managed by Island Networks Ltd., a company based in Guernsey. Here are some of the benefits and ways to use the .GG domain name zone:

Benefits of .GG Domain Zone

  • Short and memorable domain names
  • Simple and professional domain names for your website
  • High availability of domain names since the zone is relatively new
  • Easy to brand your website with a unique domain name
  • Great for businesses, individuals, and organizations based in Guernsey

Ways to Use .GG Domain Zone

  • Create a website for your business or organization that is based in Guernsey
  • Use the domain name as a short link for your social media profiles
  • Create a personal website with a unique domain name
  • Create a gaming website or forum with a .GG domain name
  • Use the domain name to stand out and differentiate from competitors

Overall, the .GG domain zone is a great choice for anyone looking for a unique and professional domain name. Whether you're a business, individual, or organization based in Guernsey, the .GG domain zone offers high availability and easy branding for your website. So why not stand out and choose a .GG domain name for your next website?