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Domain .lgbt supports latin letters and does not support international symbols (cyrillic).

Minimum number of symbols is 3, maximum number is 63.

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The .LGBT domain name zone is a top-level domain designed to serve the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community. It was created in 2014 and is managed by Afilias Limited, through Donuts Inc. This domain zone is a great tool for businesses, organizations, and individuals who want to identify themselves within the LGBTQ community.

There are many benefits of using the .LGBT domain zone for your website, including:

  • Stand out from the crowd: With a .LGBT domain, your website will stand out from other traditional .com websites. You can create a unique identity and presence within the LGBTQ community.
  • Relevance: The .LGBT domain zone is relevant to the LGBTQ community, making it more memorable and easier to remember for those looking for resources or information regarding the LGBTQ community.
  • Accessibility: The .LGBT domain zone promotes inclusion and accessibility for the LGBTQ community. It creates a space where the community can connect with businesses, organizations, and individuals who support them.
  • Community: The .LGBT domain zone creates a sense of community and fosters a sense of belonging within the LGBTQ community.
  • Visibility: By using a .LGBT domain, businesses and organizations can attract more LGBTQ customers and supporters. It also provides a mechanism for visitors to identify safe and inclusive businesses and organizations.

There are many ways to use a domain in the .LGBT domain zone, including:

  • Businesses: Create a separate website or section of your website dedicated to LGBTQ customers or supporters.
  • Organizations: Use a .LGBT domain to create an online resource center for the LGBTQ community, or to promote your organization's LGBTQ advocacy efforts.
  • Individuals: Create a personal website or blog to share your experiences, perspectives, and resources within the LGBTQ community.
  • Events: Use a .LGBT domain to create a website or page dedicated to LGBTQ events, such as pride festivals or LGBTQ-focused conferences.
  • Educational Resources: Use a .LGBT domain to create a website or blog focused on LGBTQ education and resources, such as support groups or resources for LGBTQ youth.

The .LGBT domain zone is a great tool for businesses, organizations, and individuals who want to identify themselves within the LGBTQ community. With its relevance and accessibility, using a .LGBT domain can help to create a stronger sense of community and belonging within the LGBTQ community. It’s a great way to show support and create visibility, and promote inclusivity.