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Domain .family supports latin letters and does not support international symbols (cyrillic).

Minimum number of symbols is 3, maximum number is 63.

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If you're looking for a domain name that truly captures the essence of your family-oriented website, the .FAMILY domain zone is the perfect choice. With this domain extension, you can showcase your family history, share information with your relatives, and connect with other families around the world. Here are some of the key benefits of using a .FAMILY domain name:

Benefits of .FAMILY Domain Zone

  • Provides a clear indication that your website is focused on family-related information and content.
  • Helps establish a stronger emotional connection between your website and your readers.
  • Enables you to create customized email addresses for your family members.
  • Gives you more options for choosing the right domain name for your website, as many popular family-related domain names are already taken in the .COM zone.
  • Allows you to leverage the power of social media by creating a branded hashtag for your family.

5 Ways to Use a .FAMILY Domain Name

  1. Create a family blog or website to share stories, photos, and videos with your relatives.
  2. Create a family tree website to document your ancestry and help other family members learn about their heritage.
  3. Create a family reunion website to plan and organize your next family gathering.
  4. Create a community website to connect with other families who share your interests, such as homeschooling, sports, or travel.
  5. Create a business website for your family-owned company.

The .FAMILY domain zone was created on August 6, 2015, and it is managed by Dog Beach, LLC, which is a subsidiary of Donuts Inc. To learn more about registering a .FAMILY domain name or managing your current domain, visit the Donuts website. And remember, a .FAMILY domain name is a powerful tool for building stronger connections with the people who matter most to you.