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Support and Abuse Policies

Support and Abuse Policies

Customer Support

Support Requests Received Via Email

Customers can email us at for any issues related to their domain. Once we receive their inquiry, it goes into a queue through our ticketing system. Our customer support representative handles the emails/tickets and provides a response based on the customer's issue, concern, or inquiry. If the issue falls within our scope of support, we respond to the customer within one business day. We will either resolve the issue directly or escalate it to our development team or system administrator for resolution and inform the customer that it has been escalated. Once the issue is resolved by the development team or system administrator, we follow up with the customer.

If you are unhappy with any aspect of the services we provide, please contact us at, and we will respond within five business days. If you are not satisfied with the initial response, please contact our support department and request to speak to a supervisor. A supervisor will contact you within three business days.

If the customer's issue is outside our scope of support, we will refer the customer to the appropriate third party.

Support Requests Received Via Telephone

Customers can call us at (302) 883-8888 for any issues related to their domain. We answer the phone and respond to our customers in real time regarding their issues, concerns, or inquiries. If the issue falls within our scope of support, we will then resolve the issue directly or escalate it to our development team or system administrator for resolution and inform the customer that we will escalate the issue for them. Once the issue is resolved by the development team or system administrator, we follow up with the customer.

If you are unhappy with any aspect of the services we provide, please contact us at, and we will respond within five business days. If you are not satisfied with the initial response, please contact our support department and request to speak to a supervisor. A supervisor will contact you within three business days.

If the customer's issue is outside our scope of support, we will refer the customer to the appropriate third party.


Report Abuse Via Email

Complainants can email us at for any alleged issues of abuse related to any domain name registered with Nicnames, Inc and/or using Domain Protection Services. Once we receive their inquiry, it will be addressed by an abuse representative in conjunction with our legal team. The emails/tickets are answered based on the complainant's issue, concern, or inquiry.

If the report is applicable, we will work to resolve the issue as quickly as possible. Depending on the issue, this may involve facilitating communication with the registered domain holder. At all times during the abuse resolution process, complaints will be tracked. Nicnames, Inc strives to resolve these types of complaints as quickly as possible.

Report Abuse Via Telephone

Complainants can call us at (302) 883-8888 for any alleged issues of abuse related to any domain name registered with Nicnames, Inc. Once we receive their inquiry, it will be addressed by an abuse representative in conjunction with our legal team. The emails/tickets are answered based on the complainant's issue, concern, or inquiry.

If the report is applicable, we will work to resolve the issue as quickly as possible. Depending on the issue, this may involve facilitating communication with the registered domain holder. At all times during the abuse resolution process, complaints will be tracked. Nicnames, Inc strives to resolve these types of complaints as quickly as possible.