Domain supports latin letters and international symbols (cyrillic).

Minimum number of symbols is 1, maximum number is 63.

For more information, please refer to the  .ZT UA Domain Policy.

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Other domains

The .ZT.UA domain zone is a specialized domain designed for businesses and individuals in the Zhytomyr Oblast region of Ukraine. Created in 2012, the domain zone is managed by Hostmaster Ltd, an organization that has been providing domain registration and management services since 1992. Here are some of the benefits of using a .ZT.UA domain:

  • Geographic specificity: The .ZT.UA domain zone allows businesses to enhance their local presence and visibility on the internet. It is particularly beneficial for businesses targeting customers in the Zhytomyr Oblast region.
  • Brand uniqueness: Companies can leverage the .ZT.UA domain to create unique and memorable web addresses for their brand, enhancing their online identity and recognition.
  • SEO optimization: The use of local domain names can positively impact search engine ranking, leading to increased visibility and traffic to websites.
  • Domain availability: As a relatively new and specialized domain, there are still plenty of opportunities for businesses to secure their desired .ZT.UA domain names.
  • Cost-effective: The .ZT.UA domain is relatively affordable, making it an excellent option for small and medium-sized businesses.

There are various ways businesses and individuals can use .ZT.UA domain names to enhance their online presence:

  • Create a website: A .ZT.UA domain name is ideal for building a website focused on the Zhytomyr Oblast region or any business operating in that location.
  • Create a blog: Bloggers can use .ZT.UA to create a blog focused on the Zhytomyr Oblast region or a specific topic targeted to the region's audience.
  • Domain forwarding: Redirecting a .ZT.UA domain name to a primary website or social media page can enhance the business's brand identity.
  • Email: Using a .ZT.UA domain name for business email can increase brand recognition and legitimacy in communicating with customers.
  • Microsites: Microsites can be created for specific sales promotions or marketing campaigns and focused on the Zhytomyr Oblast region.