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Domain .орг does not support latin letters and supports international symbols (cyrillic).

Minimum number of symbols is 1, maximum number is 63.

For more information, please refer to the  .ОРГ Domain Policy.

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The .ОРГ domain zone is a top-level domain created in 2014 and managed by Public Interest Registry (PIR), a non-profit organization based in Reston, VA, United States of America. The domain name zone is designed to be used by non-profit organizations, open-source projects, educational institutions, and other entities that meet the eligibility criteria.

The benefits of using the .ОРГ domain zone for your website are:

  • Instant recognition as a non-profit organization or a socially responsible entity
  • Increased credibility and trustworthiness among potential donors, supporters, and partners
  • Enhanced visibility and search engine rankings due to the distinctive nature of the domain name
  • Flexible domain name structure that allows for creative and memorable names that align with your organization's mission and vision
  • Access to a global network of .ОРГ domain registrants and supporters that can offer valuable resources, collaborations, and partnerships

If you are wondering how to use the .ОРГ domain zone for your website, here are some ideas:

  • Create a website for your non-profit organization that showcases your mission, goals, and impact using a .ОРГ domain name that reflects your brand identity
  • Launch a crowdfunding campaign or a social media awareness campaign using a .ОРГ domain name that captures the attention of your target audience
  • Host an online forum or a knowledge-sharing platform that connects like-minded individuals and organizations using a .ОРГ domain name that highlights your niche or expertise
  • Publish an open-source project or a research paper that contributes to the global commons using a .ОРГ domain name that promotes collaboration and innovation
  • Partner with other .ОРГ domain registrants or supporters to co-create content, events, or initiatives that amplify your impact and reach

The whois server for the .ОРГ domain zone is whois.nic.xn--c1avg, and the administrative contact is the Director of Operations, Compliance, and Customer Support at Public Interest Registry (PIR), while the technical contact is the Director of DNS Infrastructure Group at Donuts Inc.