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Domain .yokohama supports latin letters and does not support international symbols (cyrillic).

Minimum number of symbols is 1, maximum number is 63.

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Other domains

The .YOKOHAMA domain name zone is a new top-level domain that was created in 2014 and is managed by GMO Registry, Inc. This domain zone is a great option for businesses, individuals, and organizations looking to establish a strong online presence. Here are some of the ways to use .YOKOHAMA domains:

  • Create a website that showcases your business or organization's connection to the city of Yokohama
  • Develop a site that promotes Yokohama tourism and attractions, or offers travel information and tips for visitors
  • Use a .YOKOHAMA domain name to show support for local charities and non-profit organizations
  • Use your .YOKOHAMA domain as a way to promote the city of Yokohama and its offerings to a global audience
  • Develop a website that caters to the local Yokohama community, offering news, events, and relevant information

In addition to these uses, the .YOKOHAMA domain zone offers a number of benefits. First, it helps establish and maintain a strong online presence that is specifically tied to the city of Yokohama. This allows businesses, organizations, and individuals to connect with their target audience more effectively.

Additionally, using a .YOKOHAMA domain name helps build credibility and establishes a strong connection to the city, which can be especially beneficial for businesses and organizations based in Yokohama. Finally, the .YOKOHAMA domain zone helps businesses and organizations stand out from their competitors, as it is a unique and memorable option.

If you're interested in using a .YOKOHAMA domain name for your website, be sure to visit the GMO Registry website for registration information. The whois server for .YOKOHAMA is