Domain supports latin letters and does not support international symbols (cyrillic).

Minimum number of symbols is 1, maximum number is 63.

For more information, please refer to the  .SEBASTOPOL UA Domain Policy.

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Other domains

If you are looking for a unique and local domain name for your website, .SEBASTOPOL.UA might be the perfect choice for you. This domain zone is dedicated to websites related to the city of Sevastopol, Ukraine. With this domain, you can show your affiliation with the city and promote your brand as a local business or organization. Here are some benefits of using .SEBASTOPOL.UA domain zone:

  • Establish a strong online presence for your local business or organization.
  • Show your affiliation with the city and gain trust among the local audience.
  • Create a memorable and unique domain name that reflects your brand and values.
  • Get better visibility in local search results with a relevant domain name.
  • Protect your brand and trademark by registering your domain name in the .SEBASTOPOL.UA zone.

The .SEBASTOPOL.UA domain zone was created in 2014 and is managed by Hostmaster Ltd., a Ukrainian domain registrar and hosting provider. To use this domain, you need to register your domain name with a registrar that is authorized to sell .SEBASTOPOL.UA domains. You can use this domain for various types of websites, such as:

  • Local businesses and organizations based in Sevastopol
  • Tourism and travel websites promoting Sevastopol as a destination
  • Cultural and educational websites related to the city and its history
  • Social and community websites connecting people from Sevastopol

If you have a website that targets the local audience in Sevastopol, using a .SEBASTOPOL.UA domain can be a great way to stand out and show your affiliation with the city. You can also use this domain for email addresses, which can further enhance your brand recognition among the local audience.