Domain .pw supports latin letters and does not support international symbols (cyrillic).

Minimum number of symbols is 1, maximum number is 63.

For more information, please refer to the  .PW Domain Policy.

Check domain in the .pw extension


Buy Your .pw Domain

The cost of a .pw domain varies based on your account plan and the number of cashback coins available for additional discounts. Join our referral program to boost your cashback. Additionally, transfer your domain to us and receive 5% cashback for any successful incoming transfer.

To view prices including your personal discounts, please sign in.

Other domains

The .PW domain zone is a top-level domain specially designed for professional and personal use. This domain zone was created in 1997 and is managed by the Micronesia Investment and Development Corporation. The registration information can be accessed at

The .PW domain zone offers numerous benefits to businesses and individuals looking to grow their online presence. Below are some ways to use the .PW domains:

  • Create a professional email address that aligns with your website domain name
  • Protect your brand by registering your domain name in the .PW zone
  • Use it as a short and memorable domain name for your website
  • Create domain names that are SEO-optimized for better online visibility
  • Create a personal blog or website to showcase your skills or share your thoughts with others

Using a .PW domain name is a great way to stand out in the crowded online space. The domain zone offers flexibility, affordability, and a large number of available domain name combinations. Whether you are a blogger, small business owner, or a creative professional, the .PW domain zone has got you covered.