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Domain .pictures supports latin letters and does not support international symbols (cyrillic).

Minimum number of symbols is 1, maximum number is 63.

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If you belong to the creative industry, the .PICTURES domain name zone is the perfect choice for you. Launched in 2014, it was specifically designed to cater to websites that feature visual content, such as photographs, art, and graphic design. Here's why it's a good idea to use a .PICTURES domain:

Benefits of using .PICTURES domain zone

  • Instantly communicate what your website is all about through your domain name.
  • Stand out among other websites with a generic domain by having a specific and niche domain name.
  • Improve your website's search engine optimization by using a relevant domain name extension.
  • Get more engagement and potential leads as people are naturally drawn to visual content.
  • Establish yourself as an expert in your field by having a professional and memorable domain name.

Ways to use the .PICTURES domain zone

  • Create a portfolio website that showcases your photography or artwork.
  • Start a stock photo website that caters to a specific niche.
  • Set up a graphic design blog that provides tutorials and tips.
  • Use a .PICTURES domain name for your photography business's website.
  • Create a website that provides resources and information about the art world.

The .PICTURES domain zone is managed by Binky Moon, LLC, which is a subsidiary of Donuts Inc. If you're interested in registering a .PICTURES domain name, simply visit their website. Remember, having a specific and niche domain name can improve your website's overall online presence, so it's definitely worth considering.