Domain supports latin letters and does not support international symbols (cyrillic).

Minimum number of symbols is 1, maximum number is 63.

For more information, please refer to the  .DN UA Domain Policy.

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Other domains

The .DN.UA domain zone is a top-level domain for websites based in Ukraine. Created in 1992, this domain zone is managed by Hostmaster Ltd., a Ukrainian organization that also provides domain registration services. The .DN.UA domain zone offers numerous benefits for individuals and businesses that want to establish a strong online presence in Ukraine.

Here are some ways to use domains in the .DN.UA domain zone:

  • Create a website for a Ukrainian business
  • Establish an online presence for a Ukrainian non-profit organization
  • Build a website for a Ukrainian personal blog or portfolio
  • Develop a website for a Ukrainian news or media outlet
  • Register a domain in the .DN.UA zone to protect your brand's online identity in Ukraine

Using a .DN.UA domain name also provides a variety of benefits:

  • Showcases a website's location and connection to Ukraine
  • Enhances a website's search engine optimization (SEO) in Ukraine
  • Increases website credibility and trust among Ukrainian audiences
  • Offers greater availability of domain names than other more popular domain zones
  • Provides increased protection for your brand's online identity in Ukraine

Overall, the .DN.UA domain zone is an excellent choice for individuals and businesses looking to establish a strong online presence in Ukraine. With its numerous benefits and various ways to use domains, the .DN.UA domain zone is a great tool for expanding your online reach in Ukraine.