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Domain .dad supports latin letters and international symbols (cyrillic).

Minimum number of symbols is 3, maximum number is 63.

For more information, please refer to the  .DAD Domain Policy.

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The cost of a .dad domain varies based on your account plan and the number of cashback coins available for additional discounts. Join our referral program to boost your cashback. Additionally, you can transfer your domain to us to receive the best prices on the market.

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.DAD is a more secure domain, meaning that HTTPS is required for all .DAD websites. You can buy your .DAD domain name now, but in order for it to work properly in browsers you must first configure HTTPS serving. For more information about configuring HTTPS, including resources to obtain an SSL certificate, please visit Let's Encrypt's website.

The .DAD domain name zone is a top-level domain (TLD) managed by Charleston Road Registry Inc., a subsidiary of Google Inc. The .DAD zone was created in 2014 and is currently active.

The .DAD domain zone is an excellent choice for websites related to fatherhood and family. It is perfect for blogs, magazines, e-commerce sites, and any other website that caters to dads and their families.

Here are some of the ways you can use a domain name in the .DAD zone:

  • Create a blog about fatherhood and parenting, sharing your experiences and tips with other dads.
  • Sell products geared towards dads, such as apparel, gadgets, and subscription boxes.
  • Create a family-focused website centered around fathers, with topics such as family activities, travel, and education.
  • Start a website where dads can connect with each other, share their stories, and offer support and advice.
  • Launch a dad-focused podcast series, discussing topics that are important to fathers everywhere.

Using a domain name in the .DAD zone will help you create a memorable and relevant website that will attract and engage your target audience. As a relatively new domain zone, there is still plenty of opportunity to secure a unique, impactful domain name that will set you apart from the competition.

So, whether you are a dad yourself or passionate about serving the dad community, consider using a domain name in the .DAD zone to create a meaningful online presence.