Domain .construction supports latin letters and does not support international symbols (cyrillic).

Minimum number of symbols is 3, maximum number is 63.

For more information, please refer to the  .CONSTRUCTION Domain Policy.

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Other domains

The .CONSTRUCTION domain name zone is a perfect fit for businesses and individuals in the construction industry. It is a top-level domain (TLD) managed by Binky Moon, LLC, and it was created on November 8, 2013. This domain extension provides a great opportunity for construction companies, service providers, and other industry professionals to create a strong online presence.

One of the primary benefits of using .CONSTRUCTION for your website is that it instantly identifies your business as part of the construction industry. It helps to differentiate your business from competitors operating in other sectors. Additionally, it is a highly memorable TLD that is easy to remember for potential customers and clients.

Five ways to use the .CONSTRUCTION domain zone:

  • Create a website that showcases your services and portfolio
  • Create a blog that provides insights and how-to guides for construction professionals
  • Create a job board for construction jobs
  • Create a forum for construction professionals to connect and share ideas
  • Create an e-commerce store for construction equipment and tools

Another benefit of using the .CONSTRUCTION domain zone is that it can improve your search engine optimization (SEO) efforts. Google and other search engines take TLDs into account when ranking websites. When you use .CONSTRUCTION, it is more likely that your website will appear in search results for construction-related queries.

Overall, the .CONSTRUCTION domain zone is an excellent option for businesses and individuals operating in the construction industry. It offers a unique opportunity to create a memorable online presence, helps to differentiate businesses from competitors, and can improve search engine rankings.