Domain .physio supports latin letters and does not support international symbols (cyrillic).

Minimum number of symbols is 3, maximum number is 63.

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The .PHYSIO domain zone is a specialized top-level domain that is available for use by professionals in the physical therapy industry. This domain name zone offers a number of benefits for physical therapists and other healthcare providers who want to establish an online presence.

One of the main advantages of the .PHYSIO domain is that it helps providers to communicate their expertise and qualifications to potential clients and patients. A website with a .PHYSIO domain name clearly signals that the site belongs to a healthcare professional with a specialization in physical therapy.

Another way to use the .PHYSIO domain is to create a website that is specifically tailored to the needs of physical therapy patients. This could include providing educational resources, creating a forum for patients to ask questions and share resources, and highlighting new developments in the field of physical therapy.

The .PHYSIO domain is also a great way to promote online scheduling and appointment booking. By providing a clear and easy-to-use online scheduling tool, physical therapists can make it easier for patients to book appointments and manage their treatment schedules.

Other potential uses for the .PHYSIO domain include creating online stores that specialize in physical therapy products, running blogs that provide tips and advice to patients and practitioners alike, and creating online communities that connect physical therapists from around the world.

The .PHYSIO domain was created in 2014 by PhysBiz Pty Ltd, an Australian-based company that manages and administers the domain name zone. The whois server for the .PHYSIO domain is

Ways to use domains in the .PHYSIO domain zone:

  • Create a website that promotes your physical therapy services
  • Create a patient-focused website with resources, forums, and other helpful information
  • Use the domain to promote online scheduling and appointment booking
  • Create an online store that specializes in physical therapy products
  • Create a blog that provides tips and advice to physical therapy patients and practitioners