Domain supports latin letters and international symbols (cyrillic).

Minimum number of symbols is 1, maximum number is 63.

For more information, please refer to the  .KH UA Domain Policy.

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Other domains

The .KH.UA domain zone is a great option for businesses and individuals looking to create a strong online presence in Ukraine. Created in 1992, this domain zone is managed by the organization Hostmaster Ltd. and offers a range of benefits for website owners.

Benefits of .KH.UA Domain Zone

  • Geographic relevance: Using .KH.UA domain zone helps businesses target a Ukrainian audience and create a strong local presence.
  • Higher availability: As this domain zone is not as widely used as other domain zones, there is a higher chance of getting your desired domain name.
  • Flexible domain names: The .KH.UA domain zone allows for a variety of domain name combinations, making it easier to create memorable and unique website names.
  • Increased security: The administration of .KH.UA domain zone ensures that users have a secure platform for hosting their website.
  • Cost-effective: The cost of registering .KH.UA domains is generally lower than other popular domain names.

Ways to Use .KH.UA Domain Zone

The .KH.UA domain zone offers a range of options for website usage. Here are a few ways you can use this domain zone for your website:

  • Business websites: This domain zone is particularly relevant for businesses targeting the Ukrainian market.
  • E-commerce websites: .KH.UA domain zone is perfect for online stores and shops that are operating in Ukraine.
  • Personal websites: Individuals can use .KH.UA domain zone to create personal websites, showcase their portfolio, and blog.
  • News and media websites: News organizations operating in Ukraine can use this domain zone to create a strong online presence.
  • Community websites: Social or community-based websites can benefit from the geographically relevant aspect of .KH.UA domain zone.

If you're looking for a cost-effective way to create a strong online presence in Ukraine, the .KH.UA domain zone is definitely worth considering. With its geographic relevance, flexible domain name options, and increased security, you can have a strong online presence that really resonates with the Ukrainian market.