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Domain .camp supports latin letters and does not support international symbols (cyrillic).

Minimum number of symbols is 3, maximum number is 63.

For more information, please refer to the  .CAMP Domain Policy.

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Buy Your .camp Domain

The cost of a .camp domain varies based on your account plan and the number of cashback coins available for additional discounts. Join our referral program to boost your cashback. Additionally, you can transfer your domain to us to receive the best prices on the market.

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Other domains

The .CAMP domain zone is a great option for businesses and individuals who offer camping services, outdoor activities, or want to create a camp-oriented community. Launched in 2014, this domain extension is managed by Binky Moon, LLC, and has quickly become a popular choice for websites that focus on outdoor recreation.

Benefits of .CAMP Domain Zone

  • Great domain name for camps, summer camps, and outdoor recreation businesses
  • Memorable and easy-to-remember domain extension
  • Potential to attract more traffic and increase your online visibility
  • Unique extension that can make your website stand out from competitors
  • Flexible domain extension that can be used for any type of camp, whether it's sports, music, or nature-related

Ways to Use .CAMP Domains

  • Summer camp websites that offer registration, itinerary information, and camper resources
  • Outdoor adventure websites that provide gear reviews, trail information, and destination suggestions
  • Camp-oriented communities that offer forums, blogs, and social media pages
  • Camping equipment retailers that specialize in tents, sleeping bags, and other outdoor gear
  • Travel websites that feature camping-related destinations and accommodations

Whois Server Information

The .CAMP domain zone's whois server is The zone is managed by Binky Moon, LLC, and the administrative contact is the Vice President of Engineering at Donuts Inc. The technical contact is the Senior Director of DNS Infrastructure Group at Donuts Inc.