Domain .zip supports latin letters and international symbols (cyrillic).

Minimum number of symbols is 3, maximum number is 63.

For more information, please refer to the  .ZIP Domain Policy.

Check domain in the .zip extension


Buy Your .zip Domain

The cost of a .zip domain varies based on your account plan and the number of cashback coins available for additional discounts. Join our referral program to boost your cashback. Additionally, transfer your domain to us and receive 5% cashback for any successful incoming transfer.

To view prices including your personal discounts, please sign in.

Other domains

.ZIP is a more secure domain, meaning that HTTPS is required for all .ZIP websites. You can buy your .ZIP domain name now, but in order for it to work properly in browsers you must first configure HTTPS serving. For more information about configuring HTTPS, including resources to obtain an SSL certificate, please visit Let's Encrypt's website.

The .ZIP domain zone is a unique top-level domain managed by Charleston Road Registry Inc., a subsidiary of Google Inc. Created in 2014, this domain zone is a great choice for websites or businesses that want to showcase their digital content in a more creative and engaging way.

What are the benefits of using the .ZIP domain zone?

  • Instant recognition: The .ZIP domain zone immediately stands out and grabs attention, making your website more memorable.
  • Expanded branding opportunities: The .ZIP domain zone provides a fun, unique branding opportunity that sets your website apart from the competition.
  • More flexibility: With the .ZIP domain zone, you have more freedom to choose the domain name that works best for your business or website.
  • Clear messaging: Using the .ZIP domain zone helps to clearly communicate the type of content or business you offer, making it easier for your audience to find you online.
  • Improved search rankings: The .ZIP domain zone is a newer domain that offers more opportunity for search rankings, especially for businesses that were previously using a less relevant domain name.

There are many ways to use the .ZIP domain zone, including:

  • Zip code directories: Local businesses and directories can use .ZIP to easily showcase their content in one centralized location.
  • File-sharing platforms: Websites offering file-sharing or hosting services can use .ZIP to promote their services and create a more memorable domain name.
  • Compression software providers: Companies that provide compression software can benefit from using .ZIP as their domain extension, helping to build familiarity and brand recognition.
  • Online stores: E-commerce businesses can utilize .ZIP as an extension to showcase their brand identity and set themselves apart from other online stores.
  • Technology or software companies: Companies that provide technology or software services can use .ZIP to promote their product offerings and attract new customers.

The .ZIP domain zone is managed by Charleston Road Registry Inc. and its administrator is TLD Admin of Google Inc. If you are interested in registering a domain in the .ZIP domain zone, you can do so through the Google Registry website.